Riverstone – House – 45 Bourke Street

The property at 45 Bourke Street is one of the many small weatherboard houses built in the Victorian era as Riverstone developed into a village in response to the establishment of the tannery and meat works in the district.
It is also possible that this house was used for private rental guest accommodation in the Victorian era as evidenced by the remaining “rooms” attached to the rear, a former set of room that was located also at the rear of the property, and the wash house.
Name of Item Riverstone House
Type of Item Built
Group/Collection Residential buildings (private)
Category House
Primary Address 45 Bourke Street RIVERSTONE NSW 2765
County Cumberland
Local Govt. Area Blacktown
Suburb Riverstone
Construction Years ?
Current Use Residential buildings (private)
Former Use Accommodation
Heritage Listing Local Government