Riverstone – Cassola

The property was part of the initial grant to Maurice O’Connell in 1814 in addition to his original “Riverstone Farm” estate. The land was part of 2960 acres that was subdivided off the Riverstone Estate in 1865 by Andrew McCulloch, whose family subdivided further into small lots in 1881.
The property on which Cassola sits consisting of Lots 19 and 6 of the 1881 subdivision was purchased by Joseph Parrington who had established the Riverstone Hotel and later a group of terraces in the Riverstone Town Centre now known as the Parrington Terraces. Parrington possibly used the property for fruit growing.
Name of Item Riverstone Cassola
Type of Item Built
Group/Collection Residential buildings (private)
Category Homestead building
Primary Address 10 Jack Street, Riverstone, NSW 2765
Previous Address 20 Riverstone Road, Riverstone, NSW 2765
County Cumberland
Local Govt. Area Blacktown
Suburb Riverstone
Construction Years Prior 1920
Current Use Residence
Former Use Homestead
Heritage Listing Local Government