Prospect – Royal Cricketers Arms Inn

In 1877 James Manning purchased part of his mother-in-law’s land fronting Flushcombe Road at Prospect. It appears that James Manning built a hotel on the land soon after his purchase, hoping to capitalise on the construction of the nearby Prospect Reservoir and the establishment of a stone quarry on Prospect Hill. The site was ideally located next to Fluschcombe Road, the main access between the quarry and Blacktown Railway Station. He was issued with a publican’s licence for the Royal Cricketer’s Arms Hotel on 16 September 1880. He also operated a racetrack and cricket pitch on the property. image
Name of Item Prospect Royal Cricketers Arms Inn
Other Names Cricketers Arms Inn
Type of Item Built
Group/Collection Commercial
Category Inn/Tavern
Primary Address 385 Reservoir Road, Prospect, NSW 2148
County Cumberland
Local Govt. Area Blacktown
Suburb Prospect
Construction Years c1880
Current Use Hotel
Former Use Inn /Hotel
Heritage Listing State Government
Heritage Listing Local Government
Heritage Listing Local Government