Prospect – Former Great Western Highway Alignment

By July 1815 work was underway on a road from Parramatta to the Nepean River (at Penrith) across the Cumberland Plain that included the section that is the Former Great Western Road, Prospect. The Great Western Road through Prospect continued its 1818 alignment for 150 years until 1968 when it was deviated to the north and straightened as the Prospect Deviation. The work was done to avoid the allegedly dangerous hills and bends on the Former Great Western, Prospect as it travelled over the flanks of Prospect Hill. image
Name of Item Prospect Former Great Western Highway Alignment
Type of Item Built
Group/Collection Transport – Land
Category Road
Primary Address Tarlington Place to Boiler Close PROSPECT NSW 2148
County Cumberland
Local Govt. Area Blacktown
Suburb Prospect
Construction Years 1815-1818
Current Use Local Road
Former Use Highway
Heritage Listing Local Government